Installing SDR++ on macOS Monterey
My notes on getting SDR++ to build on macOS Monterey under a 2021 M1 Mac.
SDR++ on macOS Monterey
The following are my personal notes as I went through the process of building SDR++ from source code. I am currently running a 2021 M1 Mac on macOS Monterey (12.2.1). These notes are not meant to be comprehensive and are intended for a technical audience.
I had a couple of people on Instagram ask for my notes, so here you go. Your mileage may vary as I already had a minimal build system in place. The most important step was the symbolic link step (step #2) to get the build to compile.
Ensure that you have Xcode
and Homebrew installed before continuing.
- Install dependencies via Homebrew.
$ brew install cmake volk glew glfw airspy airspyhf hackrf rtl-sdr soapysdr rtaudio portaudio pandoc pkg-config codec2
- Create symbolic links for the Homebrew libraries and headers.
$ sudo ln -s /opt/homebrew/include /usr/local/include
$ sudo ln -s /opt/homebrew/lib /usr/local/lib
- Clone SDR++ git project.
$ git clone
$ cd SDRPlusPlus
- Build SDR++.
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake .. \
$ make -j$(sysctl -n hw.ncpu)
- Install SDR++.
$ sudo make install
- Start SDR++.
$ sdrpp